I have discovered, to my immeasurable delight, that Christian Lacroix has designed a cover for Emma. Yes! Who doesn't love a bit of blue lace and baroque swirly goodness? The couturier has actually produced beautiful cover and jacket illustrations for nine of Livres de Poche's classics. He selected titles with strong female characters, and the happy few included Carmen, Alice in Wonderland and Tender is the Night too. Check out http://www.rtbf.be/culture/litterature/christian-lacroix-illustre-les-couverture-de-neuf-romans-du-livre-de-poche/ Oh Lacroix.

And I have finally got around to watching the 2009 version of Emma, with Romola Garai in the title role. Can't believe I hadn't seen it. Romola plays Cassandra in I Capture the Castle; one of my favourite books and films! She is, of course, blonde. Halfway through watching at the moment. I am definately enjoying it, but not yet sure if it can quite beat Gwynnie's. Blake Ritson, as Elton, is managing to be both delightfully handsome and hideously creepy. Very disconcerting.

In knit news, am sadly lagging behind with my project. Currently experimenting with strands of one stitch, and knitting with broken jewellery bits. Nothing I am immensely proud of just yet. Sigh.
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