
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb
Psalm 139:13

Tuesday 20 October 2015

taking stock: October

Guess who got their disposable camera developed? This is lovely Dawlish.

Making: top secret yarny things for Christmas! Already behind!
Cooking: all the eggs.
Drinking: hot lemon and honey in a bid to ward off the dreaded lurgy that's doing the rounds at work.
Reading: Emma aloud at bedtime. And The Guardian's Fashion Statement emails over lunch. 
Wanting: a pair of heels that doesn't hurt. Is there such a thing?
Looking: at our disposable camera pics from the last month - some gems and some hilarious. 
Playing: with fabric again and loving it. 
Deciding: we might be real adults now we've bought a vacuum cleaner. Even if it does have a face. 
Wishing: we were back in Paris. Still not over it!
Enjoying: get stuck into Twitter again. (Say hello! I'm @BeccaLParker)
Waiting: for some news that might be big.
Liking: layering up in the colder weather. 
Wondering: how long we can put off using the heating.
Loving: hearing positive news about close ones whose health is now improving.
Pondering: the appeal of neon. 
Considering: a drastic haircut. I still can't decide. 
Buying: peppermint tea like it's going out of fashion. 
Watching: Buffy again from series one. 
Hoping: I can see my sister over Christmas. 
Marvelling: at nearest and dearest lovelies getting engaged all over the shop! Much excitement. 
Needing: to find the perfect twig for a special project that's a bit overdue. Will share soon!

Posing awkwardly in another country? Nailed it. 

Questioning: unnecessary supermarket packaging.
Smelling: yummy lemon candle.
Wearing: brightly coloured tights and spotty socks.
Following: socalitybarbie on Instagram, poking fun at all the hashtags.
Noticing: it getting dark so early now. It's definitely autumn. 
Knowing: my cuppa is getting cold.
Thinking: about the future is a bit scary.
Admiring: talented bakers. I miss Bake off!
Sorting: endless laundry.
Getting: the urge to do my nails all fancy.
Bookmarking: stuff about Joanna Newsom's new album to read later.
Coveting: the stack of books in my amazon basket.
Disliking: not being able to drive.
Opening: my mind to doing things differently.
Giggling: at witty captions and wishing I'd written them. 
Feeling: guilty about skipping running for the last two weeks. 
Snacking: on healthy seeds and nuts in my mind, but in reality it's biscuits. 
Hearing: the squeaky squeaky washing machine.

As usual, grab the list from lovely Pip if you love lists too and fancy sharing a Taking Stock post. What have you been up to?


  1. Oh man, I cannot remember the last time I had pictured that needed to be developed. I love yours, I should also bring a disposable camera on my next trip! :)

  2. Very excited for your top secret Christmas creations! :D


penny for your thoughts . . .

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