
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb
Psalm 139:13

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Unwind Brighton in Simply Crochet

My pasty pins see the light of day. Sorry not sorry. 

I have a wee bit of exciting news. Last month Faye and I whizzed off to the seaside for Unwind Brighton (were you there? Wasn't it ace?) and this month some of my scribbles about it are in Simply Crochet issue 22.

I didn't blog about Unwind right away as I wanted to save all my creative wordy juices (?!) for the mag. I know it's old news now, but I must say it was a pretty cool event. Glorious venue, big name vendors and enough stunning hand-dyed yarn to boggle the mind. Loved it. I won't ramble on, but instead suggest you pick up a copy and see what you think.

They made me put my face in it and everything

And more importantly, what did I come away with? I was kind of in work mode and was very restrained, but I did arrive home with a bit of sunburn, some Brighton rock (rude not to) and a beautiful handful of Namolio's linen 5ply thread in navy. It's going to be part of a crochet ring pillow for a very special future Mr and Mrs.

It wasn't until I got home and properly read through the programme that I saw the gorgeous Pebble Beach Shawlette. Oh my. I instantly regretted not snaffling some yummy 4ply in Brighton to start it right away. Consider it queued.


  1. Unwind Brighton sounds extremely interesting. Congratulations on your magazine article.

    1. It was a brilliant event - would recommend checking it out if it's on again next year!

  2. I enjoyed chatting to you and reading your wonderful write up

    1. Thanks Joanne! Hope you're well, and thanks so much for your input in the piece :)

  3. Hooray, congrats! It must feel so awesome to see your name (and face!) in print. :)

    1. Thanks Cory! I'm pretty proud of this one :)

  4. Thank you lovely - my roving reporter moment! :) x

  5. Well done for being featured in Simply Crochet - I bet you are dead chuffed :)


penny for your thoughts . . .

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