The Bath Literature Festival 2011 is looming. How immensely exciting! I've booked tickets for a few events, and I'm getting involved with 'Voices in the City', performing some live flash fiction with a team from uni on the opening day! A little bit of a scary prospect, but I think it will be a good challenge. You know what else is a good challenge? The Bath Bible Challenge! It's a celebration of the King James Bible, now in it's 400th year, and a great way of getting the community really involved. The idea is to have the book read aloud non-stop for 24 hours. I say let's get the Word out there. I've volunteered to read a bit, just waiting to hear back.
Meanwhile . . .
I was catching up on the weekend's readings from blogland, and discovered that lovely Kestrel from Kestrel Finds and Makes has kindly passed on a 'Stylish Blogger Award' to me!

What an accolade. I feel like Ugly Betty when she recieves the 'Blobby'! Anyway, the idea is to give seven facts about myself, and then give out seven of my own 'Stylish Blogger's, so here goes.
1. I don't own an ipod, hairdryer or straightners.
2. Chilblains - the bane (or blaine!) of my existence. Even knitting cannot cure me of this seasonal affliction. Why, Winter, why?!
3. I miss the seaside.
4. Embarrasing confession - over Christmas I read a classic 90s "novel" by Arabella Weir (one of the Grumpy Old Women) called Does My Bum Look Big In This? And enjoyed it. Oh, the shame!
5. In our house we have a pink sock monkey called Freddy Monkury. He has a moustache, and sits proudly atop my teapot between brewings.
6. In my kitchen cupboard there are more teabags than there is food!
7. I was given an old wedding dress so I can use the lace. It felt a bit wrong bunging it in the washing machine!
And my own winners are, in no particular order
1. Letty of Moonstruck - print maker, writer, and maker of sock monkeys.
2. Lucy of The End Paper - writing, bookbinding, reading and reviews.
3. Allie of Allie's Blog - art, embroidery and adventures in costume.
4. Alex of Mystery White Girl - music, glitter and good honest blogging.
5. Erica of Recycled Fashion - thrifting and fabulous eco fashion.
6. Jessica of Zakka Life - unique craft ideas and recipes too.
7. Brooke of Fabulous Doodles - fashion illustration and tutorials.
And there you have it.
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