
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb
Psalm 139:13

Sunday 28 August 2016

Sorrento and switching off

Marina Grande, Sorrento

At the beginning of the month, we finally escaped and headed off on holiday for a couple of days. Sorrento was our destination. Abundant with lemons, impossibly blue waters and pretty painted tiles, it was an utter delight to visit. I enjoyed spending some proper time with Mr P, topping up on vitamin D and swimming in the sea. We'd never been to Italy before, but it did not disappoint. We seemed to meet only warm, friendly and super laidback people, the sunshine was a constant and the food positively dreamy. If you've not been, add it to your bucket list immediately. 

Tiles for days!

I kid you not - the sea around Capri was ACTUALLY this colour

Seeking shade in Pompeii

Shameless souvenir shopping - bought a lemon tea towel

Bagni della Regina Giovanna, Punto del Capo - amazing spot for a swim

Finding greenery in Pompeii

Dinner by the sea - gnocchi like no other

Yep, it was pretty magical. It's just the whole relaxing and unwinding part that alluded me a little bit. I discovered that I'm quite an anxious traveller. That paired with my new-found inability to unwind made an interesting cocktail, but not insurmountable. I would love to know if you have any wisdom on switching off and taking a break. Do you have 'unplugged' time where you swear off social media, or do you like to stay connected? How do you unwind? I think a longer, quiet break closer to home might be a good idea in the future. 

Travel blogging isn't really my thing, but if you'd like any specific recommendations about places to eat in Sorrento or the lovely airbnb we stayed in, tweet me or drop me an email - I'd be happy to have a natter about it!

Oh, and if you're a bit of a heat wuss like me, I'd recommend wearing an enormous hat if you must go in August. It was HOT. Like, really really hot. 


  1. What a lovely trip for you and your husband. I think if I were to stay off of my phone, I'd have to leave it in my bedroom as I'm always out in the dining area. But I use my stitch counter app to keep track of rows or rounds on WIP's so my phone is always by me. I think too on holiday I am less on my phone when we're out and about.

    1. Hi Stefanie, yep, our phone habits were so different when we were away. I didn't feel like I constantly needed to keep an eye on it. And it was quite a nice break when we didn't have wifi and/or signal! :)

  2. This looks so beautiful, I've never been to that part of Italy! I don't have any particular tips to unwind, usually finding myself in a different part of the world with sigthseeing to do and some knitting and books to accompany me does the trick.

    1. Hey Tahnee, I definitely recommend making a stop there if you go to Italy. It was our first time, so we've got Venice on the brain now, but would love to go back! Reading while we were away was a total treat, as at home I always feel like I should be doing something else! :)

  3. wow, a stunning holiday, well deserved for you two! Glad you had such an amazing time.

    1. Thanks Julie! We've just had a cheeky long weekend here in the UK, too, so we've been a bit spoilt! :) x

  4. Oh my gosh Becca, that sea! Looks like you had a blast, it's a lot for Yorkshire to live up to, but I'm pretty confident we can ;) xxx

  5. What a wonderful place! I haven't been to that part if Italy, though I did go to several places in Tuscany.

    To properly unwind,
    I have found it helps to go to a place you already know so you avoid being anxious about it. You can just relax and do whatever you feel like.


penny for your thoughts . . .

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