
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb
Psalm 139:13

Friday 17 January 2014

blanket beginnings

Are you crocheting a 2014 mood blanket? 
This crafty project is popping up everywhere at the moment - as far as I can make out, the challenge is to hook either a square a day or a square a week for the whole year, worked in shades that represent your mood. A pretty epic challenge! I was too late to catch on this year, but will make sure I have my eyes peeled earlier in 2014 to plan my projects ahead.

This wobbly little granny square blanket started when I got second mitt syndrome with the herringbone mitts. I started compulsively making granny squares with the odd single balls lurking in my stash. It's all rather addictive. I'm not sure how it's going to look yet, although I quite like this ombre arrangement. The plan is to keep making squares till completely run out of yarn (or sanity) and then play around with the placement. 

I'm a crochet blanket newbie (and still haven't finished knitting that Weasley blanket), so any advice on joining methods and how to stay motivated with longer projects would be most welcome! What new projects are you getting stuck into for 2014?


  1. I have the Mood Blanket fever and totally jumped on that bandwagon, loving it so far!

    I always prefer to "join as I go" with granny square blankets so as to avoid the sewing or crocheting of the squares together at the end as I would hate that. Lucy of Attic24 has a great "join as you go" tutorial. (

    But if I were to join them all at the end I think I would give the "invisible join" that I found on Pinterest a try! (

    Love the ombre pinks!

    - J

  2. My project will not involve knitting, sewing or fabrics of any kind!! Credit to you all, I totally bombed sewing class! Right, time to don those trainers!!


penny for your thoughts . . .

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